10 tips to get a perfect tan
Let’s admit it’s what we’re all craving for – enjoying our vacation but mostly coming back with a tan our friends will be jealous of. Read on to learn all the tips you need to know to get the best tan naturally!
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or specialist in this subject. These are some tips that I find are working great for me. Please consult with your doctor if you have sensitive skin. Also, this post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission on your purchase, at no extra cost to you.
How to get the best tan
Step 1: Get your skin ready to tan fast!
1. Exfoliate
Exfoliation is the first step to building a long-lasting, deep tan. Exfoliating your skin will remove all the dead cells which can prevent a uniform tan. The best is to start exfoliating a few days before being exposed to the sun as it leaves the skin a little sensitive and more prone to sunburns. You can use exfoliating clothes like this plastic-free shower puff (a nice alternative to help the environment!), brushes, body scrubs… Anything non-chemical! And don’t forget to hydrate your skin after showering.
2. Your diet counts
The food you eat also plays a role in tanning. Eating specific vegetables has been proven to help get your skin ready from the inside! Beta-carotene and lycopene found in certain vegetables could increase your skin’s protection to UV (turning on the process of producing melanin!) and make your tint a bit more orangey, so make sure your diet is rich in carrots and tomatoes. If you are not that much into veggies, Imedeen supplements can also help you prepare your skin from within.
3. Start with a fake tan
If you are worried about looking too pale on your first days at the beach, don’t be afraid to cheat a little! I personally like to start a week ahead by gradually applying tanning lotion every two or three days. I use the Moisturizing Self-Tanning Silky Gel from Avène, natural effect guaranteed! You can also try Bali Body Ultra Dark Self Tanning Mousse to get a dark tan quickly. Please be aware that tanning lotions don’t offer any protection against the sun as natural tanning does. Highly protect yourself with sunscreen as normal when heading to the beach!
4. Sunscreen is your best friend
Can you tan with sunscreen?
Most of us always “forget” about sunscreen. “I am not going to get tanned!” is the number one excuse when it comes to applying sunscreen! I speak from experience… But sunscreen actually lets you tan, more slowly yes but more safely.
When buying sunscreen, we are often left with many options and do not know which one to choose. Which SPF is right for my skin? What does “broad spectrum” mean? Here is a quick guide I wish I had when choosing my first sunscreen.
First of all, make sure that the sun lotion you choose protects against both UVA and UVB. UVA are rays that penetrate deep into your skin – causing mainly ageing and sometimes skin allergies and cancers. They represent 95% of the rays coming on earth and they also go through the clouds. UVB rays penetrate the top layer of the skin and cause burnings – aka the lovely sunburns!
Broad-spectrum protects you against UVA, while SPF protects you against UVB. Both rays create a lot of damages to your skin so check twice if your sunscreen contains both SPF AND broad spectrum.
Secondly, choose the right SPF. The number associated with the “SPF” mention means how long you can stay in the sun: for example, with an SPF30 you can stay 30 times longer in the sun than if you weren’t wearing any protection. The best is to go for SPF30 as SPF50 usually gives a false sense of security and makes you forget to reapply it every two hours! If you have very fair or sensitive skin, always go for SPF50. Dark skins are protected with SPF15.
Finally, I like to use sun lotions that are not harmful to the environment and my health. Most sunscreens contain toxic chemical products that are not so good and while they help fight sun-relative skin problems, they cause other ones.
I love the brand Thank Me Later which is environment-friendly. Their packaging is also super cute!! And I can say that the product inside is just as good. I finished my first bottle within a couple of weeks (the smell was just so good I had to re-apply it all the time – try the Coconut/Lavender sunscreen), I can’t wait for the new order I placed to arrive. You can find a more detailed review of the Thank Me Later sunscreen here!
Another brand I love when it comes to sun protection is the French brand La Rosée. I use their SPF30 Sun Oil made with organic apricot oil, another fragrance I’m really fond of.
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Step 2: Get the glow! Here’s how to get the best tan.
5. Use natural oils to tan faster
Some natural oils can help achieve a deeper tan faster while protecting your skin! The best oils for this purpose are coconut oil (my favourite is this Viva Naturals organic extra-virgin coconut oil, the smell is just divine), olive oil, grape seed oil, hazelnut oil, sunflower oil, and sesame oil.
These oils will help you get a golden glow while improving your skin’s elasticity and keeping it moisturized. You can even mix them for greater results! Check out my homemade tanning oil recipe to get a dark tan naturally.
You can buy the natural oils separately or try a natural tanning oil such as BaliBody! The best way to use natural oils: apply 30 minutes before heading to the beach to let the oil penetrate your skin. And always apply sunscreen on top!
6. Expose yourself progressively
This is one of the major rules for a deeeep, long-lasting tan. And to protect your skin. If you first expose yourself for hours long, you will most likely get sunburnt and your skin will peel! Not very sexy. And you could eventually get skin cancer. Not sexy either. So, try to expose yourself progressively by making numerous short tanning sessions!
7. Take a break
Seek for shadow and take some breaks! Let your skin cool down for a while will reduce burning risks. Use this break to reapply sunscreen, drink water, eat fruits…
8. The daily tanning limit
After a certain number of exposure hours, your body reaches a point where it cannot produce any more melanin. On average, your body can tan for two to three hours per day, so no need to stay exposed longer!
9. Keep the salted water on
It is said that sea salt can help you get tanned quicker as it attracts the sunlight onto your skin. This is a similar mechanism to how natural oils help you get tanned faster. So, don’t dry your skin when you get out of the sea and don’t go straight to the showers!
10. Change position often
Change position often so the sun reaches every centimetre of your skin. I also like to move my swimsuit (especially the top strips) so I don’t get visible tan lines. Nothing better for a uniform tan!
You’ll also love: What to do while tanning: 12 ideas!
And last but not least
11. Drink water
Always hydrate your skin during the daytime and at night for skin regeneration! Drink lots of water to keep hydrated from inside and apply some moisturizing body lotion or any natural oil to keep your skin moisturized. It will only make your skin glow more ✨
12. Be careful!
Avoid sunbeds at all costs! They are really dangerous and don’t provide any vitamin D as the sun does. Finally, do not expose yourself for long hours, especially around lunchtime (12 pm to 4 pm) when the sun is the brightest and most dangerous!
How do you get a dark tan in one day?
Well, if you follow all my tips above, there is a good chance that your skin will get tanned only after one day! But, to be honest with you, you won’t get a really dark tan that quickly. You need to build your tan throughout the summer if you want it to be deep and last long!
The best way to get a dark tan in one day is to use a self-tanning lotion. You can check out this express self-tanning mousse which gives pretty amazing results in just one hour! This is how you can tan in one day safely, without burning your skin to achieve extreme results.
If you know any other secret tanning tips, I’d love to know! Drop a comment below ☺️
Thank you for reading!