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Top 10 things to enjoy during the winter

So, winter has come (even though I was resisting the idea and refused to take out my winter coats until last week) and I’m trying as well as I can to transition into this difficult period of the year and stay comfortable. Basically, I hate cold. I love the comfort warmth brings me. And that’s what I’m struggling to find during winter days, comfort! Over the years, I’ve built myself this little “bubble” (yes, you might as well say I’m just like a bear preparing itself for hibernation), more like a strategy, to stay super comfy. There are some things I focus on which bring me comfort and reminds me that there’s much to be glad about in winter! So if like me, you’re having a hard time going through winter, or simply don’t like this season, I created this list of little pleasures you can enjoy only in winter just for you! This helps me enjoy a bit more the cold season, and make it till spring. Let’s get cosy!

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Feeling so cosy under the duvet/a blanket

Okay, so this must be one of my all-time favourites during winter. Don’t you just love the feeling you get when you are in your bed, your duvet up till your ears? I feel sooo protected as if I were in a little cocoon. And don’t even get me started on the blanket I wear when I’m watching movies on the couch. I could just fall asleep there! It’s one of my favourite winter items, when I visit stores like Zara Home I can’t help but lounge in the blankets section… I recently found an adorable one that’s perfect for the Christmas season, it’s so thick and cosy! Check it out, you will love it.

Must-have #1: a thick and comfortable blanket!


Zara Home comfortable winter blanket

Hot chocolate

Some people don’t mind drinking hot beverages when it’s hot outside, I personally can’t. It feels like a wave of heat passes through me at each sip. So as soon as winter comes back, so does my love for hot teas, coffees, but mostly HOT CHOCOLATE! It’s my ultimate winter comfort drink. Two chocolate pieces, melted in some milk, whipped cream on top and a little extra chocolate powder and chocolate sprinkles… Wow. Nothing can beat it. But you can only enjoy it when it’s cold outside, so let’s start giving some love and appreciation to winter!

Must-have #2: a chocolate bar and some milk at your disposal all winter-long (if you don’t have chocolate, sweet chocolate powder works also just fine)


Winter hot chocolate

Wearing thick socks and slippers

Another little pleasure of winter! I just love getting out of bed and jumping in my cosy socks and slippers, no time to get cold! And while wearing just one of the two might seem enough, trust me, wearing thick socks plus some slippers makes a huge difference. Until last year I was walking around the house with my thin, spring socks, wondering why I couldn’t feel my toes after a couple of hours but persuaded there was no way I could get warm anyway. How wrong I was. My favourite socks are from Oysho, they are warm and cosy while still being cute! And I love these slippers I got from a town in the north of Greece, the insides are made with sheep wool, they are really warm! You can also find some similar ones here.

Must-have #3: thick socks and/or winter slippers, and overall, dress appropriately, don’t be afraid of layering up, that’s the only thing that’s going to save you in the winter

Eating (lots of) chocolate

The one time of the year I don’t feel guilty about it!

Must-have #4: a second chocolate bar to snack on

Warming up next to the fire

When you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace at home, who doesn’t love reading a good book next to the fire while it’s cold outside? Putting your feet close to it, feeling them warming up… Watching the captivating flames and getting lost in thoughts… I love these moments!

Must-have #5: well I can’t really add a fireplace here without sounding super pretentious (though if you are looking for an apartment right now, I guess have it in mind if that’s something you really enjoy), so I’ll just advise you to get a nice hot water bottle which also gives a really nice “warming up” feeling.

Fireplace enjoying winter

Winter foods

Where I come from, France, we have soo many nice winter dishes which include, of course, lots of delicious melting cheese! Raclette, tartiflette, fondue savoyarde… If you don’t know about these foods, you MUST check them out somehow! They are usually quite big dishes that you share during a dinner with family and friends, but now, thanks to this invention, you can even eat raclette on your own. A cheese lover’s must-have!

Must-have #6: a great appetite!

raclette a la bougie pliable

The winter sun that warms you up just like it should

Doesn’t it feel nice in the winter when you can sit in the sun without it burning your skin or making you sweat? I love the soft feeling of the sun on my skin when sitting outside on a terrace at a cafe, a warm coffee in my hands… just the thought of it makes me happy!

Must-have #7: a love for everyday moments, as small and unimportant they might be, they are what makes you have a happy day!

Nice winter smells

Preparing all these delicious winter foods and beverages leave such a nice smell in your place… My favourite is the smell of cinnamon when preparing traditional Christmas cookies, or mulled wine! What’s yours? When I’m not cooking but still want to enjoy winter smells, I use an essential oil diffuser like this one, with essential oils that remind me of winter like cinnamon, orange, pine, clove… cosy atmosphere guaranteed!

Must-have #8: nice winter spices!

Christmas & family gatherings

And of course, the most wonderful time of the year comes during the winter! One more reason to be happy when winter arrives… Decorating the house with a thousand lights, shopping for Christmas gifts, listening to Christmas songs, the numerous family gatherings, and many more little Christmas joys are things to look forward to!

Looking for a Christmas gift? I always find so many ideas on Etsy, items are usually handmade and you can look for small creators around you, it’s a great way to support your local economy. 

Must-have #9: a Christmas spirit

Christmas gifts

Winter sports

And finally, what would be winter without its winter sports? Ice-skating, skiing, snowboarding, or even mountain-hiking in the snow are activities you can enjoy only in winter! So let’s be happy about winter, and let it snow!

Must-have #10: a nice and thick beanie and warm gloves to enjoy the snow!


I hope this short list helped you feel (at least a little) better about winter and excited about all its little joys! And you, what are your little pleasures in the winter? Let’s get cosy!

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